Randori (乱取り) is a term used in Japanese martial arts to describe free-style practice (sparring). The term denotes an exercise in 取り tori, applying technique to a random ( 乱 ran) succession of uke attacks.
Multiple adversaries should be seized as a whole, like a single adversary, while against just one attacker, movements suitable for multiple adversaries are appropriate. The best way to avoid opposing the force of an attack (that is to say, to move in awase) is to imagine that several attackers are to be dealt with at the same time.
This principle permits effective extrication, moving away from lines of attack and correct positioning with respect to one’s opponents.

Moreover, to be effective, techniques have to be performed with the whole body, not simply the arms. An aikidoka must use the whole body. Each part: the arms, hips and feet need to work together when performing a technique. Before learning to “move in awase with an adversary”, one must learn to “move in awase with the parts of one’s own body” - suburi practice is there for that purpose.
Saito shihan Kuden (Oral Instruction)
When asked about Aikido against random attacks including kicks, Saito shihan, said "The weapons training taught principles such as zanshin, timing, distancing, decisiveness and the triangular alignment of the body, that were most effective. The emphasis is placed on where and when he decides to attack rather than on the attack itself."

Multiple attack should be seen as an ambush therefore the intent should be to move off line and mount a superior attack to allow escape.
Do NOT engage multiple attackers. Aikido tai sabaki body alignment and evasion should give you the moment to make an escape. At best you may be capable of unbalancing the first attacker and throwing him toward the other. Your main concern is to escape.
I tend to disbelieve the idea that as a martial artist you shall be able to engage multiple opponents and defeat them.