Welcome to Kokoro Kai - Aikido in Cornwall

Kokoro Kai - Aikido Dojo CornwallKokoro Kai Iwama Ryu dojo is dedicated to the practice of the traditional martial art of Aikido. The emphasis is on the martial aspect of Aikido, including atemi as well as sword and stick. Training to the exclusion of all peripherals including politics and personalities.

Aikido Riai - the complete system as developed by O Sensei Ueshiba in Iwama.

Dojo address:
Ponsanooth Hall
St Michael's Road
Cornwall, TR3 7EE

Training times:
Beginners and Taijutsu lessons are 7pm - 10:00pm Tuesday.
Bukiwaza (weapons) lessons are 7pm - 8:30pm Sunday.

Beginners Welcome

To find out more about the dojo, our Instructors and how to find us, read the Join the Dojo section and join us for your first free session.

Kokoro-Kai Dojo

Our dojo was named Kokoro-e by Coyle sensei in Glasgow, in 1964. In the late 1980's. Sekiya shihan renamed the dojo Kokoro-Kai. Which carries on to this day.

Coyle sensei

What's New

New Article - Making a return to the dojo.
Seito no Kangae - My Aikido
by Alex Tighe
Seito no Kangae - The Joy of Suburi
by Zac Hillier
New Article - Okusama.
New Article - Holding Bokuto.
Seito no Kangae - One Year in Aikido: Beginners Mind Advantage
by Owen Lawther
New Article - Striking with the Aiki Ken.
New Article - Resistance.
New Article - Kiai - the Essence of Budo.
New Article - Iwama Dojo
New Article - Damn their eyes!
Seito no Kangae - I can do this, I can do that... And I don’t care!
by Steve Coleman
Seito no Kangae - How I got to Iwama Aikido
by Richard Mann
Seito no Kangae - Reflections on our first Saturday Keiko of 2023,
Composure, Concentration, Connection and Control.

by Steve Sharp
New Article - What’s going on? What to expect when you are new to the dojo
Seito no Kangae - Aikido and Its Hidden Power (part 2)
by Steve Sharp
Seito no Kangae - Aikido and Its Hidden Power
by Steve Sharp
New Article - Sen (先) - Initiative
Seito no Kangae - Something else Aikido has to offer everyone
by Richard Mann
New Article - Noro Masamichi Sensei
Seito no Kangae - Reflections on Grading in Aikido
by Steve Sharp
New Article - How to count in Japanese.
New Article - Aikido Old School.
Seito no Kangae - Bowing
by Steve Sharp
Seito no Kangae - Sensei... Why do you shout so much?
by Richard Mann
Videos of the Week Ep. 19
Seito no Kangae - Resistance is Not Futile.
by Zac Hillier
KUDEN From Coyle Sensei
New Article - A seemingly impossible situation and search for a fundamental truth.
Seito no Kangae - Mokuso - Silent Illumination.
by Steve Sharp
New Article - Ukemi ~ Going down fighting
Seito no Kangae - Mokuso…. What and Why?
by Steve Sharp
Seito no Kangae - Losing our way, finding our way - thoughts for the serious Aikidoka
by Steve Coleman
Videos of the Week - Ep.18
New Article - Fundamentals of Aikido
Seito no Kangae - Why did I start Aikido?
by Richard Mann
Videos of the Week - Ep.17
Seito no Kangae - Attitude in Mind & Body
by Steve Sharp
Videos of the Week - Ep.16
New Article - Is Seiza Painful?
Seito no Kangae - Seminars, Should I stay or should I go?
by Simon Holt
Videos of the Week - Ep.15
New Article - Kokyu
Videos of the Week - Ep.14
New Article - What is the secret to Aikido…? - A disappointing read
New Article - Understanding the ‘why’… "but Sensei, what if…?"
Videos of the Week - Ep.13
New Article - Bukiwaza
Videos of the Week - Ep.12
New Article - A Bowl of Biran - Heavenly Gift
New Article - Fighting Mind
Videos of the Week - Ep.11
Aikido Mentality Series Ep.5 - Zanshin – Lingering awareness of the Mind
Aikido Mentality Series Ep.4 - Senshin – Enlightened Mind
Aikido Mentality Series Ep.3 - Fudoshin – Immovable Mind
Aikido Mentality Series Ep.2 - Mushin – No Mind
Aikido Mentality Series Ep.1 - Shoshin – Beginner’s Mind
Article Revision - Harmony, Wisdom & Courage
Directions to Stithians Center for Sunday evening Bukiwaza added
Videos of the Week - Ep.10
New Article - Harmony, Wisdom & Courage
Videos of the Week - Ep.9
Videos of the Week - Ep.8
New Article - Places and Methods of Practice
Added Common Questions for people starting Aikido
Videos of the Week - Ep.7
New Article - Ichi Gan
New Article - Tai No Henko
New Article - Atemi and Aikido
Videos of the Week - Ep.6
New Article - Aikido Riai
New Article - Iwama Style
Updated Syllabus page to add videos for Roku no Jo and 1-13 & 1- 20 Jo Suburi
Videos of the Week - Ep.5
New Article - Aikido is Not a Circular Art
New Article - The Art of Recovery
New Article - Aikido Principles
New Article - Aikido is not a Martial Art. It is Budo
Added Frequently Used Terms in Aikido
Videos of the Week - Ep.4
New Article - Aikido and Injuries
New Article - The Light Side and the Dark Side
Dedication to William Coyle Sensei
New Article - An Apostle and a Madman
Videos of the Week - Ep.3
New Article - Understanding Yudansha
New Article - Ukemi in Aikido
New Article - Riai
Videos of the Week - Ep.2
New Article - Weapons Training
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the passing of our Master Saito sensei.
New Article - Teaching, 'What & Why' or 'the Hungry Wolf'?
Videos of the Week - Ep.1
New Article -Techniques.
New Article - Ma Ai etc.
New Article - Ukemi
New Article - Fake Aikido - True Aikido
New Article - Shoshin – Beginner’s Mind
New Article - History of Aikido
New Article - A Good Uke
New Article - Randori
Added - Iwama Style Aikido
New Article - Training with Chiba Sensei
Article Revision - Hamni
New Article - Fundamental Exercises
New Article - Choosing Partners by T.K. Chiba Sensei
New Article - Video Interview with Saito Hitohira Sensei
New Article - Levels of Technique in Aikido.
New Article - Musubi in Aikido.
Added a Guide to Etiquette in Aikido.
Updated Syllabus page to add videos for 5th, 4th & 3rd Kyu gradings.
No Politics Just Aikido

Our dojo preserves and shares the great influence of Saito Morihiro shihan while remaining faithful to the technical and spiritual heritage left by the Founder Morihei Ueshiba.

We continually try to improve ourselves through the intensive and systematic practice of kihon, and we believe each training session is a unique opportunity to feel closer to the Founder.