
18 Jun 2022, 16:34
Saito Sensei’s grabbed hand hardly moves at all when he performs the basic tai no henko. For this reason, he is not resisting uke’s grab.
16 Jun 2022, 15:54
O'Sensei also said that, in a practical situation, "atemi is 90% of Aikido".
14 Jun 2022, 08:29
12 Jun 2022, 09:01
Aikido Riai means aikido complete; this must include atemi and weapons training.
9 Jun 2022, 14:38
As far as I know the phrase Iwama Style, did not exist while Kaiso ( O-sensei) , the founder, Morihei Sensei was alive.

Seito no Kangae

The way of showing respect and gratitude with the right attitude.
This is not an article about Kiai, though the experience it describes offered me a point of view on it that I had not considered before.
When we’re fortunate enough to work with a more experienced Aikidoka we have a great chance to learn.
After the bell rings and the vibration dissipates into the either we can enter a few moments of silence to illuminate our present condition in mind body and breath and raise the spirit for our practice of Aikido.
Over the years, on my journey I have encountered several people who’ve said that Aikido is ineffective as a martial art.