
23 May 2022, 16:58
20 May 2022, 23:44
The word uke in Japanese translates as “to receive” which is at odds with many people’s assumption that taking ukemi primarily involves acting out the losing role of an attacker. “Receiving the technique” evokes a more active and collaborative role for uke.
18 May 2022, 14:44
In the mid-1990s Sensei Coyle was asked to give a lecture demonstration at Glasgow University during The Samurai & Japanese Culture week. The audience was made up of students interested in Japanese culture, a great number of whom were martial artists from the numerous clubs in the University.
16 May 2022, 15:07
15 May 2022, 16:27
Often I shall take up a bokuto adopt siegen or jodan kamae and ask that uke attack me empty handed. However spirited he may be there is always a pause, an uncertainty in facing the sword unarmed.And indeed should he attempt to close with me he is cut.

Seito no Kangae

Mann sensei talks about his reasons for starting his journey into Aikido.
I’ve Attended 2 seminars with Saito Hitohira Sensei, in Rennes, and Paris. My first seminar experience was in Rennes